Monday, January 13, 2014

January 15, 2014

January 15, 1929, is the birthdate of Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. He had a dream for the people of this country that included equality for all people, regardless of their race. If you had a dream for the people of this country, what would it be and why?


  1. Kyleigh B.
    My dream would be that we would have floating cars, and better boats to carry oil over the water that are more durable so we will have less oil spills, it would have a special computer inside of it to let the boat know that it would be time to fix itself , and while its doing that it would ward off any animals, and contact the oil company.

  2. Keith. F
    My dream would be new gadgets and robotic assistance to give any thing you desire,
    floating schools ,spaceship cars even robotic dogs.

  3. Karlye C.
    My dream would be that we would have soccer. So that everyone can do it if they would. The reason why is because of everyone likes to play soccer.

  4. Emmanuel T.
    My dream would be that people should be kind to each other and don`t fight.

  5. Elijah G.
    My dream would be that the world would be nice to each other.

  6. If I could pick a dream for this nation is that people stop smoking and drinking because it is bad for their health and immune system. If people stopped using drugs in this sinful world then , the world would be less polluted and people won't be dying from lung cancer. That would be my dream for not just the nation but for the whole world.

  7. Desaree C.
    My Dream Would Be That People Would Be Able To Go To Different Countries
    Without Getting In Trouble.And That We Would Have Peace With Each Other,
    And That War Can"t Come Between Us

  8. Johanna B.
    If I could puck a dream for this nation is that people would stop smoking and drinking because it is bad for their health and immune system. If oeole stopped using drugs in this sinful world then, the world would be less polluted and people won't be dying from lung cancer, That would be my dream for not just the nation but for the whole world.
    ✴(Forgot to writ e my name before I wrote)

  9. Hunter W.
    If I could pick a dream for this nation it would be that people would stop making excuses for not hearing God's word.

  10. Isaiah G.
    my dream for the world is that all people can become one and be nice to each other.
    also i have a dream to make taxes higher, i know that sounds terrible but think of what are taxes can do for the world. you never know by the year 2020 we could have cars that fly into space, and have cities on different planets. our tax money can do all of these things. if i become president i will have this stuff in my 4 year agenda book. my biggest dream for the nation is peace and friendship.

  11. Amiah A.
    If I could pick a dream for this nation it would be to stop building more buildings. Because near my house there are lots of broken down buildings. So instead of cutting down more trees they should reuse old buildings. Because it even may lead to less trees and were would the animals live. I love the idea of were if you cut down a tree you plant a new one but they should use the other buildings and that's my opinion.

  12. I dream of a better way of transportation. Most cars give polluting gases in the are my method would be in the world of tomorrow, traveling tubes. No not the tube vehicles currently in progress actual tubes that people can go through. Just think about it. You won't late for work. There will be no traffic, and best of all lower the chance of a polluted world.

  13. Patricia A.
    If I had a dream it would have to be that everyone would have to respect people that are older then them. Like their teachers, parents, and other people in authority. I think that their are to many kids and even grown ups that do not respect other people. I think that if more people would respect other people the world would be a better place.

  14. Rebecca B. If i had a dream for the people of this country, it would be that abortion would be illegal. The people of this country do not realize the meaning of abortion. You are taking a human beings life away, and you have to live with that for the rest of your life. People think the only solution for their 'accidents' is abortion. But, what people need to see, is there are other alternatives, like adoption. Some people may not want the shame of everyone seeing that they're pregnant, but what's worse, the people on this planet judging you, or God?

  15. Cynthia E.
    If I had a dream I would tell everyone how good life could be for all people who are depressed. And help people stop bulling, and stop fighting.

  16. Cassie W.
    If I had a dream for the people of this country it would be for cicatrices to be illegal because it kills hundreds of people including my great grandma who was only 64. It urges children and teens to smoke because they see their family members and friends doing it.

  17. Tyler W.
    If I were to have a dream for this country like Martin Luther King Jr did, my dream would be for that this nation would turn back to the nation under God it originally was founded to be.

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