Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Weather predictions from a groundhog? You bet! Yesterday was Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his hole in the ground. If he saw his shadow, winter will last 6 more weeks. But if he didn't, spring is just around the corner. Did Phil see his shadow yesterday? (research) Choose another animal that you think could do a good job of predicting the weather. Explain why.


  1. Keith.F
    a Hawk. yes If it sees its shadow because its keen sight.

  2. Amiah A.
    I looked on wiki.... and it says that he saw his shadow yesterday. Oh and for a different animal for predicting weather I would choose a dog because when i put my dog outside to do her stuff she wines to come in and almost right after it rains.

  3. Emmanuel T.
    Yes. He did see his shadow. I would say a meerkat because they live in a hole just like Phil the groundhog. They also pop out of their homes to check if a prey is near. You can tell them to do what Phil did and I think they would understand what you mean. Last but not least I think we should name it Manny the merrkat .

  4. Isaiah G.
    yes he did see his shadow. i would pick a dragon fly, they can predict weather it is going to rain or not. if there were a lot of dragon flies it would be spring.

  5. Elijah G.
    Yes.he saw his shadow.I would pick a bear because the hibernate until the spring.

  6. Karlye C.
    I would like a alligator show people will not hart them that all.

  7. Tyler W.
    yes he saw his shadow.I would say that a dog could predict weather because they have good hearing and they always act strange before a storm. they could probably hear disaster.

  8. Rebecca B.
    Yes, he did see his shadow, so winter will last 6 more weeks. I think a hedgehog would be fit for the job. Hedgehogs are also like groundhogs, they hide in holes and they also hibernate. They come out to enjoy nice warm weather, but if they see there shadow, they go back into there holes.

  9. Cassie W.
    Yes Phil did see his shadow so winter will last another six weeks.
    I would say Robins and other Birds are a good way to predict the weather because they fly south in the winter and back to their home at spring. Robins and other Birds also find shelter in trees and other things when a storm is on it's way.
    But not all Robins fly south for the winter, some stick around and hang out at their house for the winter.

  10. Kyleigh B.
    Yes , he did see his shadow. i think that monarch butterflies would be good to predict the winter because they fly to Mexico for the winter and come back in spring.

  11. Patricia A.
    yes, he did see his shadow so winter will last another six weeks. i would say meerkats go under the ground and then they could up for food just like groundhogs.

  12. Desaree C.
    Yes,he did see his shadow.I say beavers like wood to chew on like groundhogs,
    and they are the same speces

  13. Johanna B.
    He did see his shadow. I think a beaver or meerkat could be one too because the live underground.

  14. Caleb B.
    Yes, Phil did see his shadow on Groundhog Day

  15. Hunter W.
    yes sadly he did see his shadow and winter will last six more weeks.I think a bear because they hibernate.

  16. Cynthia E.
    Yup he saw his spooky shadow.
    I would pick a rabbit they store their food for winter that tells me to get ready for the cold. They look for a place to hibernate, that also tells my that the winter is coming. Then when spring comes they come out of their hole, cave, tree, ect.
